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Past Projects

LGB Service Member Study

Investigators: Kimberly F. Balsam, Ph.D., Peter Goldblum, Ph.D., CAPT Scott Johnson, Ph.D., Christina Rincon, M.S., Wyatt Evans, M.S., & Whitney Bliss, M.S.

Description: The LGB Service Member Study involved surveying LGB service members in order to better understand the climate in the military for LGB individuals since the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell between July 2014 and May 2015. Measures of physical health, mental health, demographics, minority stress, suicidality, and mental health care utilization were included in the survey. The researchers aimed to use the information to gain greater understanding of the experiences of LGB service members, whose voices have historically been silenced by discriminatory, anti-LGB policies in the military. Participants included 238 individuals involved in current military service in active duty, guard, or reserve components who identified their sexual identity/orientation as lesbian, gay, or bisexual.


Evans, W.R., Bliss, S.J., Rincon, C.M., Johnston, S.L., Bhakta, J.P., Webb-Murphy, J.A., Goldblum, P., & Balsam, K.F. (2018). Military service members’ satisfaction with outness: Implications for mental health. Armed Forces & Society. Advance online publication.

Evans, W.R., Rincon, C.M., Goldblum, P., Johnston, S.L., & Balsam, K.F. (In press). Unit acceptance and psychological distress among LGB military service members: Preliminary findings from a national survey. Military Behavioral Health.

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